Conservation, Education and Supporting Local
I have found great pride in learning to spin wool into yarn. Not just any yarn … a yarn that I want to knit or crochet with, and one I am proud to wear and display in the end. Where my pride has turned into a passion is working with American sheep breeds and sheep breeds that are in need of conservation. In my fiber arts journey, I have found myself wanting to share that excitement and knowledge with others. Through my learning process, I have become a supporter of the Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em program (SE2SE) run by the Livestock Conservancy that promotes all fiber artists, from hobbyist to professional, to discover and work with rare wools. I aim to be a resource to help fiber enthusiasts of all levels take pride in knowing their wool purchase is supporting the small business side of the American wool and fiber industry, or helping keep a rare breed of sheep from disappearing all together.
Here is some more info about me.
Photo courtesy of Tim Marshall (@timmarshall) on Unsplashed.